Sunday, November 22, 2009

The Sabbath

"Greetings my brothers and sisters, is the Lord good to you? The Lord is good to me!" This is how our South African brothers and sisters greet us each day. We awoke very early this sunny Sabbath to music and singing from another group staying at our camp. We had a quick breakfast then the team split up and headed in 4 different directions. Anne, Don and Elliot spoke at 3 partnering churches to encourage and undergird their congregations.

Pastor Michelle spoke at Covenant Word Church. A NC pottery communion chalice was presented to Pastor Glen and his wife Loretta. The inspiring message shared by Pastor Michelle to this body of believers was that God can breathe life into anything that looks dead.

Following this message Pastor Glen was led to pray and annoint members who had or were planning to start a business.

After services, the team was reunited for a restful afternoon including lunch and a visit to a local marketplace with Pastor Glen, Loretta and members of his staff.

Tomorrow we return to Soweto to plant another Garden of Grace.

To be continued.